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Professional Staff Dedicated to Providing 

Healing & Wellness Through Counseling Services 



Child, Adolescent and Adults ranging from all ages demonstrating patterns of behavioral concerns that interfere with functioning in the home or community. Adult or Child currently or previously had a diagnosis with a mental health disorder and is currently enrolled in Medicaid.

Our treatment:

To support children, teens and adults as they make the journey towards mental stability, independency, and overcoming life’s challenges. Through utilizing supported cognitive, behavioral, and interpersonal interventions. 


Our Goal:

To address a wide variety of client needs. We accomplish this through counseling, family support, and assistance with the daily living skills necessary to lead a safe and independent lifestyle.

Better Care Starts with You!

Mental Health Skill Building

Intensive In-Home Counseling


Mental Health Skill-Building Service (MHSS) addresses the needs of individuals who are experiencing difficulty functioning in their daily lives.

Intensive In-Home Services (IIH) are flexible, clinical support services for children and youth with behavioral and emotional challenges, under the age of 21, who are at risk of removal from their home

Community stabilization services provide short term intensive mental health care to individuals who are experiencing an acute psychiatric crisis. The goal is to address and stabilize mental health needs as early as possible.

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